Take ownership of your personal data

Use Mine’s smart data assistant to discover your digital footprint. Delete your data from services you no longer use that put you at risk.

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Trustpilot badge

Trusted by 600,000 + users around the world

Put yourself in the driver’s seat

Unlock your profile and take control over your data in just 2 minutes.
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Minimize online risks

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Keeping your data secure and only yours.

Privacy by Design

Our technology is built on privacy by design principles incl. data minimization & encryption.

Transparency & accountability

You can always easily request a copy of the data that we collect and delete your account.

Google & OAuth 2.0 Verified

Sign up safely with revokable permissions, without the need for passwords.

Empowering a community of users

Discover your digital footprint

Unleash yourself. Remove your personal data from services you no longer use.

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